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Our Photo albums

We are trying our best to provide inspirational pictures of our ventures.

Many of the photos are taken on public events and will include people whom we don't know yet.
Whilst we endeavour to make sure that everyone gets a chance to choose whether s/he appears on our public album or not, you might find yourself in an album here and you might not feel comfortable about that. Please accept our apologies in advance and get in touch to ask us to remove the picture (please be precise as to which one it is). Thank you.

Here is a list of the indiviudal albums connected with Making Space Penicuik, in chronological order:

Like as if a perfect intro to Making Space and to the high potential of felting
Aladin's cave for fibre artist! One of our suppliers
how the making of the banner unfolded
varied and wonderful pieces of fibre art at show Greyfriars
 to be cont.........