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Saturday, March 12, 2011

lots of snow outside and lots of folks inside!

Today we nearly cancelled because Penicuik was wrapped in thick snow and slush again, but never ever were we busy as today folks of all ages (from 3 to 80?) kept flooding in filling the tables on stage and below again and again, waiting patiently for their turn in wet or / and dry felting.

Birds and blossoms were the original theme which got widely expanded upon - and on our March-ing into Spring album (click here)  from picture 40 - 70 you can see some of the multitudes that sprouted and sprung up from under furiously busy hands - apart from the birds... somehow they managed to soar off (as birds do) before the camera can click. Anyway, Anneruth has no idea how she managed to take any photos at all, as she seem to sprout eight hands to keep afloat in the crowd! Luckily the core vision of Making Space Penicuik keeps us all alfloat: everybody shares a skill - even if s/he has only just started to learn it - and everybody mucks in to set up and to tidy up...:-)

So, are you ready to be part of our pool or peers of all ages and stages?

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