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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Caroline's article on the Craft Bombing event in Penicuik

PR Release by Caroline Fraser

14th May 2013

Craft bombing in Penicuik brightens up the town and receives encouraging feedback

As part of Voluntary Arts Week (11-19th May 2013) the Penicuik Community Arts Association and their group Making Space have co-ordinated the craft bombing work which has been displayed in Penicuik since Friday (10th May).

Voluntary Arts Week provides an opportunity for amateur arts and crafts groups across the UK and the Republic of Ireland to celebrate their activity and encourage others to join in.  Craft bombing is decorating designated areas of a town or village with crafts that have been knitted, crocheting, stitched, quilted or embroidered and are intended to brighten up the area and make it look attractive.

This has been a culmination of the extremely hard work from all the crafters and volunteers who have made items over the past few weeks including children and those with a wide skills range.  Others have donated materials.  Since March this year, there has been a craftbombing group meeting at West Street Arts Centre and making all sorts of creations such as pom poms, banners and bunting using wool, scraps of material, old table cloths, buttons and fabrics. 

The beautiful creations have been hung on trees, lamp posts, railings, a wall and the odd house and the feedback has been very encouraging.  One lady commented that she didn't know that the craftbombing had taken place and how it was a lovely surprise and how it brings a smile to the faces of those who see it.  Another commented that her children enjoyed looking at all the items on display as well as many 'thanks' and 'well dones'.  Sadly there has been a small minority of people who have not been so taken with the offerings.

The reasoning behind taking place in the Voluntary Arts Week is twofold.  Some people like to get together in a group to craft for a shared purpose, and others like to work alone, explore ideas and share in the fun of still being part of something greater, locally, and nationally.
Overall, the intended wish is to make their local town a brighter place.

For more information on the Voluntary Arts Week please see http://www.voluntaryarts.org/take-part/voluntary-arts-week/ or for more information on the penicuik community arts association see http://www.penicuikarts.org/index.htm for further details.

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